GSSC looks back on a year of key achievements and team success
As 2024 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on ESA’s GNSS Science Support Centre (GSSC) achievements. We began the year with an ambitious roadmap full of challenges, and, working together, we’ve made it an incredible journey. Here are some of the highlights:
- Kick-off of our collaboration with ESA’s GENESIS mission, with GSSC playing a pivotal role in its PROcessing, Archive, and Distribution System (PROAD).
- Major advancements in ESA’s GNSS Digital Platform, with four new releases of GSSC Now in 2024, offering additional datasets, on-data processing tools, performance optimizations, new features, and stability improvements.
- Publication of a featured paper in the Journal of Advances in Space Research.
- Increased GNSS community engagement through the webinars on GSSC processing capabilities and frequent news publications.
- Strong presence at key international forums such as 30th International GNSS Service (IGS) Workshop in Bern (Switzerland) and the 9th GNSS Science Colloquium in Wroclaw (Poland).
- Establishment of new collaborations links with educational, industry and research organisations.
These achievements have only been possible through the close collaboration and dedication of ESA, GMV, Ideorum, and Starion teams.
You can see below our GSSC family photo, with representatives of these teams attending the last Monthly Progress Meeting of the year at ESA/ESAC premises
From GSSC we would like to wish you a joyful end-of-year holiday season and a 2025 full of exciting new developments!