GSSC’s New Beginning, GNSS Thematic Exploitation Platform


Launch of the GSSC Thematic Exploitation Platform – Private Beta to promote scientific collaboration and research.


Since its presentation in October 2017 at the 6th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, the GNSS Science Support Centre (GSSC) has continuously worked on the integration of GNSS data, products and tools under a single point of access to promote scientific collaboration and research.

The core of the GSSC Project is a large GNSS repository, including global providers namely the International GNSS Service (IGS), regional ground-based GNSS receiver networks, space-based GNSS receivers from multiple missions and data from other services that can be of scientific use, such as laser ranging data from the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).

We are delighted to announce that, by the third quarter of this year, invited GNSS users will be able to start exploring and analysing GNSS data through the GSSC Thematic Exploitation Platform.

Innovative and unique features

The GSSC Thematic Exploitation Platform represents a first step towards provision of GNSS assets in a single, state-of-the-art environment that unifies multiple sources of GNSS-related information and tools. The platform contributes to increase visibility of these assets, while also provides added-value services to the scientific communities, which include Earth Sciences, Space Science, Metrology or Fundamental Physics. Now, these scientific communities will be able to quickly access and analyse a wide variety of data and products in an innovative two-steps approach.

In the first step, powered by our Data Discovery System shown in the figure below, users can search our GSSC repository based on intrinsic characteristics of GNSS data. This powerful search functionality aims to make it easier for users to find the assets they seek. Thus, within a few clicks, users will be able to find what they need through a free-text search, or a series of filters that narrow down search results by missions, instruments, GNSS receiver or observed satellites among others, not to mention the possibility of selecting assets by geographic location using a word-map.

Figure 1: GNSS Thematic Exploitation Platform – Data Discovery System

In the second step, powered by our Data Analysis System shown in the figure below, users can process previously selected data to generate insights, results and knowledge. For this purpose, GSSC offers on-demand execution of common and customised software packages like JupyterLab, providing users with a seamless transition to advance data analytics.

Figure 2: GNSS Thematic Exploitation Platform – Data Analysis System

Additionally, thanks to its responsive design, on-the-move users can reach out to our platform for quick GNSS data access and smartphone-based processing tools.

Three stages launch:

The Private Beta marks the start of a launch process divided into three stages:

  • Stage I: Starting in June, a Private Beta version will become available for a selected group of users among GNSS institutions and research groups. Invited users will be able to access and explore the platform to contribute with their feedback to expand its possibilities.
  • Stage II: By the end of 2021, this Private Beta version will be open to the public, extending community involvement for increased feedback and validation purposes.
  • Stage III: As soon as the feedback from users is injected into the final version and testing is complete, the Beta version will be declared production-ready.

A long and amazing travel will then start with these three phases, and the GSSC team would like to accompany all users along this journey, improving their experience and working to fulfil their expectations and scientific needs.

If you want to help us gather feedback on this version of the GSSC Thematic Exploitation Platform, we encourage your participation to give the final users an improved and optimized experience. Thus, users interested in contributing to this Beta program please complete the Private Beta Application Form by clicking here.

Thank you for participating in this launch!