GSSC Now 0.4.0 Released, This is What’s New


The ESA GNSS Science Exploitation Platform, GSSC Now 0.4.0, was released on December 1, 2022 with new and updated features, more GNSS assets and scientific tools (called datalabs).   

Please find below the summary of what’s new in this release:

  • GNSS RINEX V4 support;
  • New official ILRS CRD v2 data format support;
  • Availability of new datalabs: “GSSC Lab”, “Camaliot Troposphere Modelling”, and “GMLD – TEC Map Prediction” (see Figure 1);
  • New feature to help you discover GNSS stations on world map by Network (see Figure 2);
  • GSSC Now repository version update;
  • Various performance optimizations, bug fixes and improvements to security, stability and accessibility.
Figure 1: new datalabs available: “GSSC Lab”, “Camaliot Troposphere Modelling”, and “GMLD – TEC Map Prediction”
Figure 2: 2D stations map Network filter ability

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Preview Programme

GSSC Now’s Preview Programme provides early access for selected users to try out new features of the platform before they are rolled out to the general public.

At the moment, access to functionalities like multiple downloads, datalabs, personal workspace or some restricted datasets are limited to Preview Programme members. Should you want to become a member, you need to complete GSSC Now’s Preview Programme registration request here. Once received, your request will be evaluated within 5 working days.

Contributions and contact

At GSSC we would like to know your opinion on GSSC Now’s existing features and your suggestions for improvement and features you think should be added. Should you want to contribute with ideas and comments please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, The GSSC Team, Navigation Science Office