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If you look at a page in Navipedia, you'll find three main navigation elements: The sidebar on the left gives you access to the different portals and important pages in the wiki. At the top of the page are the links which belong to the page currently displayed. Only logged-in users can see these links. Which links are shown depends on the authorisation level of the user. In the top right corner you'll find, as an anonymous user, the link to login. As a logged-in user you have a collection of personal links, like the one to your preferences.


The sidebar is displayed on the left edge of the page below the Navipedia logo. This sidebar gives you access to the different portals and important pages in the wiki.


The link Main page brings you back to the start page of the wiki, as does a click on the logo in the top left corner. The links take you to the different portals and to the sections with book reviews and accident reports.


This section contains links to informational pages about Navipedia and to the contents page of the Help system.


The toolbox contains a selection of links which change depending on what type of page you are viewing.

On all pages (except special pages):

  • What links here takes you to a special page that lists the pages on this wiki which contain a link to the current page. This is helpful when you are looking for pages of related information. The What links here information can also be useful when you are refactoring wiki pages and need to check whether links to this page are still relevant after changes in the current page.
  • The Related changes tool lists all recent changes in the pages linked to from the current page. Recent changes to all relevant template pages are included in the resulting page list. The "Hide minor edits" option that can be set in the user preferences applies, among other things, to Related Changes.

On all pages (including special pages):

  • Upload file displays a special page that allows users to upload images and other files to the wiki. This link is only displayed if the user belongs to a user group that has the right to upload files. Uploaded files can be linked-from or embedded-in wiki pages. Uploading files, viewing files on the server, including them in wiki pages and managing the uploaded files is discussed in the managing files section of this manual.
  • The Special pages tool lists the Navipedia special pages. In wiki terminology, a special page is one that presents information about the wiki and/or allows access to administration activities for the wiki. For example, a list of users registered with the wiki, statistics about the wiki such as the number of pages and number of page edits, system logs, a list of orphaned pages, and so on. These special pages are commonly generated when the special page is loaded rather than being stored in the wiki database.

Page Tabs

The page tabs are only visible for logged-in users. They are displayed at the top of the article to the right of the site logo. These tabs allow you to perform actions or view pages that are related to the current article. The specific tabs displayed on your pages depend on the user group you belong to. On special pages only the namespace tab is displayed.

Default for all users
namespace (like article, portal, help page, special page)
view source or edit (depending on your privileges for this page)
Extra tabs for content managers and/or sysops

User Links

The user links are displayed at the top far right of the article. These links allow the user to quickly access user specific pages or to log out. For anonymous users there is a link to the wiki login page.

<username> links to your user page
my talk links to your discussion page
preferences allows you to change your personal site preferences
my watchlist gives a list of all pages that you are watching
my contributions is list of all contributions you have made to the wiki
log out to log out of the wiki