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Time References
Fundamentals | |
Title | Time References |
Author(s) | J. Sanz Subirana, J.M. Juan Zornoza and M. Hernández-Pajares, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain. |
Level | Basic |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Our everyday life follows the alternation of day and night, and seasons of year, and then the initial conception of time was based on the motion of sun. Nevertheless, as science and technology evolved, more precise uniform and well-defined time scales were needed.
Several time references are currently adopted, based on different periodic processes associated with earth rotation, celestial mechanics or transitions between energetic levels in atomic oscillators. Table 1 summarises the different times systems used, with their associated periodic process.
Universal and Sidereal times are associated with earth daily rotation. Universal time (solar time) uses the sun as a reference. Sidereal time uses the Vernal Equinox (the Aries point[footnote 1]). This leads to the fact that, in a year, both times differ by 24 hours (one lap) and, thence, the sidereal day is shorter than the solar day by 3m 56s.4, see section Sidereal Time. That is:
- 1 mean sidereal day = 1 mean solar day − 3m56s.4
Universal time UT (UT0, UT1, UT2) is not completely uniform[footnote 2]. So, the Atomic Time TAI was introduced to achieve a more uniform time scale. TAI and UT accumulate a drift along time. Due to this, UTC was defined, which is an atomic time that keeps itself within 0.9 seconds from UT1. It is done by the systematic introduction of a certain number of seconds called Leap Seconds[footnote 3]. This causes that, along time, the difference between UTC and TAI varies in integer leaps of 1 second. UTC is generated by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), located in Paris. The leap seconds are determined by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS).
UTC is obtained from about 250 cesium clocks and hydrogen masers located at about 65 different laboratories, distributed around the world, and applying a set of algorithms to assure an uniform time. It is not determined in real time, but generated with a delay of about half month. Real-time estimates of UTC are computed and provided by different centres, as the UTC(USNO), from the United States Naval Observatory (USNO), the UTC(NIST), from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the UTC(SU) from Russia (SU stands for the former Soviet Union) or, in general, UTC(k) as a realization of UTC by a given laboratory k, see [Lewandowski et al., 2006].
The following relations are met (see details in article appendix Transformations between Time Systems).
- [math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{lcl} TAI\,=\,TDT\,−\,32^s.184 \\ TAI\,=\,UTC\,+\,1^s\,∗\,n \\ UTC\,=\,UT1\,+\,dU\, T\, 1,\, where\, |dU T 1|\, \lt \, 0^s.9. \end{array} \qquad \mbox{(1)} }[/math]
where n is the number of Leap Seconds introduced for a given epoch (e.g., 01/Jul/97 n = 31, 01/Jan/99 n = 32, 01/Jan/06, n = 33, 01/Jan/09 n = 34, 01/Jul/12 n = 35).
For information on the time references used in the different GNSS, please refer to Time References in GNSS. In order to facilitate calculations for long time intervals[footnote 4], the Julian date is used (from Julio Scalier). The 1st of January of 4713 BC is considered as the reference epoch and, starting from there, days are counted in a correlative way. The Julian Day (JD) starts at 12h of the corresponding civil day (i.e.: 6d.0 January 1980 = JD 2444244.5). The current reference standard epoch for the scientific community is:
- [math]\displaystyle{ J2000.0 = 1^d.5\, January\, 2000\, =\, JD\, 2\,451\,545.0 \qquad \mbox{(2)} }[/math]
The Modified Julian Day (MJD) is also used, which is obtained subtracting 2 400 000.5 days from the Julian Day.
The following expression provides the Julian Day from a civil date[footnote 5] (YYMMDDUT):
- [math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{ll} ~~JD=int[365.25 * y]+ int[30.6001 * (m+1)] + DD +\frac{UT (hours)}{24}+1720981.5 \\[0.2cm] ~\mbox{where:}\\[0.2cm] ~~ \qquad y=YY-1,~~ m=MM+12,~~ MM\leq 2 & \\ ~~ \qquad y=YY,~~ m=MM,~~ MM\gt 2\\ \end{array} \qquad \mbox{(3)} }[/math]
From Julian Day, and taking into account that GPS reference data (6d.0 January 1980) corresponds to JD 2 444 244.5, one immediately obtains the GPST. Thence, taking module 7, the GPS week[footnote 6] is found.
As another example, the 3h.0 (Moscow Time) on January 1st, 1975 (21 hours GMT December 31st, 1974) used by GLONASS as a reference time in some computations, corresponds to JD 2 442 413.375 (GMT).
Greenwich Mean Sidereal ([math]\displaystyle{ \theta_{_G} }[/math]) Time and Universal Time are related by the following expression (see equation (4) in CEP to ITRF):
- [math]\displaystyle{ \begin{array}{ll} ~~\theta_{_G}=r\cdot UT1+6^h41^m50^s_{\cdot}5481+8\,640\,184^s_{\cdot}812\,866\,T_u+0^s_{\cdot}093104\,T_u^2-6^s_{\cdot}2\cdot 10^{-6}\,T_u^3\\[0.2cm] ~\mbox{where:}\\[0.2cm] ~~ \qquad r=1.0027379093\\ ~~ \qquad T_u=(JD_{[UT1\, date]}-2\,451\,545.0)/36\,525.0\\ \end{array} \qquad \mbox{(4)} }[/math]
Please find more detailed information in Time Systems and Time References in GNSS.
- ^ Aries point is a fictitious direction pointing to the Aries Constellation about 2000 years ago. Due to the equinox precession, Aries point is continuously moving over the ecliptic (apparent orbit of sun relative to earth) by about 50′′.26 each year, therefore in 2000 years it goes over an arc of 30° in a retrograde way. Currently, Aries point is going out of Pisces Constellation and entering Aquarius.
- ^ Earth rotation is not uniform. Different phenomena as tidal friction, mass transport due to seasonal changes, earthquakes, etc. affect the earth’s mass distribution (moment of inertia), introducing fluctuations in its rotation. UT0 is a time scale based on the instantaneous rotation of the earth, UT1 is adjusted from observed periodic variations (polar motion effects, up to 0.06 seconds), and UT2 is obtained correcting it from other additional irregularities.
- ^ From 01/01/1958 (where TAI=UTC=UT1) until November 2009, 34 seconds were added
- ^ The calendar has suffered important adjustments through history, due to the fact that the length of a year is not exactly 365 days. For example, on October 5th, 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced a leap of 10 days –the Gregorian reform–, becoming Friday 15th. As an anecdote, Saint Teresa of Jesus died on Thursday 4th and was buried on Friday 15th, the following day – reference)
- ^ This expression is valid between March 1900 and February 2100 (year 2000 is a leap year).
- ^ GPS week starts the night from Saturday to Sunday. For example, the day May 3rd, 1998 corresponded to GPS week 956.
- Hofmann-Wellenhof, B., Legat, K. and Wieser, M., 2003. Navigation. Principles of positioning and guidance. Springer-Verlag, Wien, Austria.
- Lewandowski, W., Matsakis, D., Panfilo, G. and Tavella, P., 2006. The evaluation of uncertainties in [UTC-UTC(k)]. Metrologia 43, pp. 278-286.