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File talk:Galileo Signals in Space.png

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[JAAR 7] The figure is incorrect! PRS is not in phase with any of the OS services (neither data nor pilot) or CS. In fact, Galileo OS and CS data and pilot are in phase and PRS is in quadrature to both. In addition, in E1 although you write MBOC, in reality it is the spectrum of BOC(1,1). Moreover, avoid writing the value of power of the PRS as this is not indicated in open ICDs. In other words, neither E1 nor E6 reflect the correct phasing between PRS and the rest of services. I propose to look into the PhD "On Generalized Signal. Waveforms for Satellite Navigation"from Jose Angel Avila Rodriguez, since there you find the correct relationships. By the way, also for GPS this is an issue!