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Who is who

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Project and Content Manager

Gunter Hein

Günter Hein

Günter is the ESA Project Manager and Content Manager for NAVIPEDIA.

The Vision

Javier Ventura-Traveset

Javier Ventura-Traveset

Javier was the one who had the idea of creating a knowledgebase of GNSS and making it available to users worldwide. It was Javier who came up with the name NAVIPEDIA.


Carlos López de Echazarreta

Carlos López de Echazarreta

Carlos has been involved in the development of NAVIPEDIA since its inception and edited a large number of articles. Carlos is also responsible for the Content Development Plans and reviews articles submitted to NAVIPEDIA.

Main NAVIPEDIA Contributors

Jaume Sanz Subirana Jose Ángel Ávila Rodríguez
Jaume Sanz Subirana Jose Ángel Ávila Rodríguez

Jaume and Jose Ángel are the main contributors to the NAVIPEDIA’s knowledgebase. Their articles are the foundations of NAVIPEDIA.

System Design

Timo Kouwenhoven

Timo Kouwenhoven

Timo is the technical expert behind NAVIPEDIA