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PPP Fundamentals
Fundamentals | |
Title | PPP Fundamentals |
Author(s) | GMV |
Level | Basic |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Precise point positioning (PPP) is a global precise positioning service using current and coming GNSS constellations. PPP requires the availability of precise reference satellite orbit and clock products in real-time using a network of GNSS reference stations distributed worldwide. Combining the precise satellite positions and clocks with a dual-frequency GNSS receiver (to remove the first order effect of the ionosphere), PPP is able to provide position solutions at centimetre to decimetre level[1].
Precise point positioning (PPP) stands out as an optimal approach for providing global augmentation services using current and coming GNSS constellations. PPP requires fewer reference stations globally distributed rather than classic differential approaches (e.g. RTK), also one set of precise orbit and clock data is valid for all users everywhere, and the solution is largely unaffected by individual reference-station failures. There are always many reference stations observing the same satellite because the precise orbits and clocks are calculated from a global network of reference stations. As a result, PPP gives a highly redundant and robust position solution.
PPP Fundamentals
Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a global precise positioning service, since it requires the availability of precise reference satellite orbit and clock products in real-time using a network of GNSS reference stations distributed worldwide.
Combining the precise satellite positions and clocks with a dual-frequency GNSS receiver (to remove the first order effect of the ionosphere), PPP is able to provide position solutions at centimetre to decimetre level[2]. PPP differs from double-difference Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning in the sense that it does not require access to observations from one or more close reference stations accurately-surveyed. PPP just requires data from reference stations from a relatively sparse station network (thousands of km apart would suffice). This makes PPP a very attractive alternative to RTK for those areas where RTK coverage is not available. On the contrary, the PPP technique is still not so much consolidated as RTK and requires a longer convergence time to achieve maximum performances (in the order of tenths of minutes).
The PPP algorithm uses as input code and phase observations from a dual-frequency receiver, and precise satellite orbits and clocks, in order to calculate precise receiver coordinates and clock. The observations coming from all the satellites are processed together in a filter that solves for the different unknowns, namely the receiver coordinates, the receiver clock, the zenith tropospheric delay and the phase ambiguities.
The accuracy of the satellite clocks and orbits is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of the PPP. Another relevant factor that affects the PPP performances is the amount and quality of the observations. Like any GNSS technique, PPP is affected by satellite line-of-sight obstructions. Even the most precise orbit and clock data is useless if the user cannot track particular satellites. When satellite visibility is partially obstructed, a best possible service can be ensured by using the full range of satellites from both the GPS and GLONASS systems.
The trend clearly lies towards increasing availability of GNSS satellites on orbit; many studies predict the future benefits of combining the constellations of GPS and Galileo. There is no need, however, to wait for future constellations to reap the immediate benefits of access to additional GNSS satellites. The current GLONASS constellation may not have all the features of future GNSS systems, but it is available here and now. Recently, the Russian government has proven its commitment to enhancing the GLONASS constellation. Many receiver manufacturers have also acknowledged this fact and now provide combined GPS and GLONASS receivers.
- ^ M.D. Laínez Samper et al, Multisystem real time precise-point-positioning, Coordinates, Volume VII, Issue 2, February 2011
- ^ M.D. Laínez Samper et al, Multisystem real time precise-point-positioning, Coordinates, Volume VII, Issue 2, February 2011