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Acronym List:
| |
A/S | Anti-Spoofing |
AAIM | Airborne Autonomous Integrity Monitoring |
ABAS | Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems |
ACAC | Arab Civil Aviation Commission |
ACF | Auto-Correlation Function |
ADAS | Advanced Driving Assistance Systems |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
AEP | Architecture Evolution Plan |
AF | U.S. Air Force |
AFCAC | African Civil Aviation Commission |
AFI | Africa-Indian Ocean |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AHRS | Attitude and Heading Reference Systems |
AIS | Automatic Identification System |
AIV | Assembly |
AL | Alert Limit |
AltBOC | Alternative BOC |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AMCS | Alternate Master Control Station |
ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
ANTEX | ANtenna EXchange format |
AOA | Airport Operators Association |
AOA | Angle Of Arrival |
AOAD/M | T Allen Osborne Associates Dorne Margolin Model T |
AOC | Advanced Operational Capability |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem |
AOR | Atlantic Ocean Region |
AP | Access Point |
AP | Application Protocol |
APC | Antenna Phase Centre |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APIRG | AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group |
APPS | Automatic Precise Positioning Service |
APV | Approach oPerations with Vertical guidance |
APVI | Approach oPerations with Vertical guidance I |
APVII | Approach oPerations with Vertical guidance II |
AR | Axial Ratio |
ARAIM | Advanced RAIM |
ARNS | Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service |
ARP | Antenna Reference Point |
ARPA | Automatic Radar Plotting Aids |
AS | Anti-Spoofing |
ASBC | Advanced Space Business Corporation |
ASECNA | from french: Agence pour la Securite de la Navigation Aerienne en Afrique et |
ASICs | Applications Secific Integrated Circuit |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation 1 |
ASQF | Application Specific Qualification Facility |
ASZ | Autocorrelation Side-lobe Zero |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
ATV | Automated Transfer Vehicle |
AUC | African Union Commission |
AWGN | Additive White Gaussian Noise |
AWOP | All Weather Operations Panel |
BC | Before Christ |
BCS | Binary Coded Symbols |
BDT | BeiDou Time |
BI | Behavioral Interventions |
BIE | Bureau International de l'Heure |
BIH | From French: Bureau International de l'Heure |
BIPM | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures |
BLUE | Best Linear Unbiased Minimum-Variance Estimator |
BM | Benchmark |
BMCS | Backup Master Control Station |
BOC | Binary Offset Carrier |
BPSK | Binary Shift Phase Keying |
BRS | Baricentric Reference System |
C/A | Coarse/Acquisition |
C/NAV | Commercial Navigation Message |
CAASD | Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (MITRE) |
CAES | Computer Aided Earthmoving System |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
CAR | Caribbean and South American region |
CARERI | Chinese Aeronautical Radio Electronics Research Institute |
CASM | Coherent Adaptive Sub-Carrier Modulation |
CBCS | Composite Binary Coded Symbols |
CBOC | Composite BOC |
CCF | Central Control Facility |
CCZ | Congestion Charge Zone |
CDCM | Coastal Defense Cruise Missile |
CDDIS | Crustal Dynamics Data Information System |
CDDS | Commercial Data Distribution Service |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDTI | Cockpit Display of Traffic Information |
CEP | Conventional Ephemeris Pole |
CEP | Circular Error Probable |
CF | Compact Flash |
CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy |
CGCS2000 | China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 |
CGSIC | Civil GPS Service Interface Committee |
CHA | Channel of High Accuracy |
CHAMP | CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload |
CHARS | Customer Hierarchy And Reporting System |
CIO | Conventional International Origin |
CIP | Celestial Intermediate Pole |
CIR | Cascading Integer Resolution |
CIS | Conventional Inertial System |
CL | Civil Long |
CM | Civil Moderate |
CMCF | Central Monitoring and Control Facility |
CMR | Compact Measurement Record |
CMSA | Cruise Missile Support Activity |
CNAV | Civil NAVigation message |
CNS | Communication Navigation Surveillance |
CNSS | Compass Navigation Satellite System |
COCESNA | Corporacion Centroamerica de Servicios de Navegacion Aerea |
CODE | Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe |
CONUS | CONtinental United States |
CORS | Continuously Operating Reference Stations |
COSMIC | Constellation Observing System for Meteorology |
CP | Circular Polarization |
CPF | Central Processing Facility |
CPFPS | Central Processing Facility Processing Set |
CPN | Coloured Petri Nets |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CR | Council Resolution |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRF | Celestial Reference Frame |
CRLB | Cramer Rao Lower Bound |
CRS | Conventional Celestial Reference System |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CS | Commercial Service |
CSA | Channel of Standard Accuracy |
CSIM | Constellation Simulator |
CSK | Code Shift Keying |
CSRS | Canadian Spatial Reference System |
CTP | Conventional Terrestrial Pole |
CTS | Conventional Terrestrial System |
CW | Continuous Wave |
CWAAS | Canadian WAAS |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcasting |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog Converters |
DASS | Distress Alerting Satellite System |
DCB | Differential Code Biases |
DDMA | Doppler Division Multiple Access |
DEOS | Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems |
DF | Dual Frequency |
DGNSS | Differential GNSS |
DGPS | Differential GPS |
DGRS | DGPS Reference Station |
DH | Decision Height |
DLL | Delay Lock Loop |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DoD | US Department of Defense |
DOP | Dilution Of Precision |
DOT | Department Of Transportation |
DoY | Day-of-Year |
DP | Dot Product |
DSCS | Defense Satellite Communications System |
DSNS | Differential Satellite Navigation Systems |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
DSPN | Direct Sequence Pseudo Noise |
DSRC | Dedicated Short-Range Communications |
DSSS | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum |
DVP | Development and Verification Platform |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EC | European Commission |
ECA | Error Characterization Approach |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
ECAM | Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor |
ECEF | Earth Centred Earth Fixed |
ECI | Earth Centred Inertial |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts |
EDAS | EGNOS Data Access System |
EDS | EGNOS Data Server |
EEGS | EGNOS Extension to Eastern Europe |
EETS | European Electronic Tolling Service |
EFC | Electronic Fee Collection |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Instrument System |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System |
EICAS | Engine Indications and Crew Alerting System |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power |
E-L | Early-Late |
ELT | Emergency Location Terminal |
EMLP | Early Minus Late Power |
EMP | Electro-Magnetic Pulse |
EMR | Energy Mines and Resources |
EMT | Effective Monitor Threshold |
ENC | European Navigation Conference |
ENT | EGNOS Network Time |
ENU | East North Up |
EOL | End-Of-Life |
EOP | Earth Orientation Parameters |
EPFS | Electronic Position Fixing System |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons |
EPPP | Enhanced Precise Point Positioning |
ERIS | External Regional Integrity Services |
ERP | Earth Rotation Parameters |
ERTMS | European Rail Traffic Management System |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESDP | European Security and Defence Policy |
ESOC | European Space Operations Centre |
ESSP | European Satellite Service Provider |
ESTB | EGNOS Test Bed |
ET | Ephemeris Time |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETC | Electronic Tolling Collection |
ETCS | European Train Control System |
ETML | European Traffic Management Layer |
ETSO | European Technical Standard Order |
EU | European Union |
EuCAP | European Conference on Antennas and Propagation |
EWAN | EGNOS Wide Area Network |
F/NAV | Freely accessible Navigation Message |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAS | Final Approach Segments |
FDE | Fault Detection and Exclusion |
FDF | Flight Dynamics Facility |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access |
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
FH | Faded-Harmonics |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FIR | Finite Impulse Response |
FKP | From German: Flaechen Korrektur Parameter |
FLL | Frequency Lock Loop |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FOC | Full Operational Capability |
FOP | Final Operational Phase |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
F-PPP | Fast Precise Point Positioning |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
G/NAV | Governmental Navigation Message |
GA | Ground Antennas |
GACF | Ground Assets Control Facility |
GADEROS | Galileo Demonstrator for Railway Operation System |
gAGE | Research group of Astronomy and GEomatics |
GAST | Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time |
GBAS | Ground-Based Augmentation System |
GCC | Ground Control Centres |
GCS | Ground Control Segment |
GDOP | Geometric Dilution Of Precision |
GEAS | GNSS Evolutionary Architecture Study |
GEO | Geostationary Orbit |
GESS | Galileo Experimental Sensor Stations |
GGSP | Galileo Geodetic Service Provider |
GIC | GNSS/Ground Integrity Channel |
GIM | Global Ionospheric Maps |
GIOVE | Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GIT | GNSS Implementation Team |
GIVD | Grid Ionospheric Vertical Delay |
GIVE | Grid Ionospheric Vertical Error |
GIVEI | GIVE Indicators |
GJU | Galileo Joint Undertaking |
GLA | General Lighthouse Authorities |
GLONASS | GLObal NAvigation Satellite System |
GLP | Good Laboratory Practice |
GLS | GNSS Landing System |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GMS | Ground Mission Segment |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying |
GMST | Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GNS | Global Navigation System |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GNSSP | GNSS Panel |
GOC | Galileo Operating Company |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPS/MET | Global Positioning System/Meteorology |
GPSOC | GPS Operations Center |
GPST | GPS Time |
GPSW | GPS Wing |
GRACE | Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment |
GRAPHIC | Group and Phase Ionospheric Calibration |
GRAS | Ground-based Regional Augmentation System |
GRS | Geodetic Reference System |
GRSP | Galileo Geodetic Reference Service Provider |
GSA | European GNSS Agency |
GSLV | Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle |
GSM | Global System for Mobile communication |
GSO | Geostationary Satellites Orbit |
GSS | Galileo Sensor Stations |
GST | Galileo System Time |
GTRF | Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame |
GUS | Ground Uplink Stations |
HAL | Horizontal Alert Limit |
HD | Hydrostatic Delay |
HD | Hard Disk |
HDOP | Horizontal Dilution Of Precision |
HEO | Highly Elliptical Orbit |
HF | High Frequency |
HIS | High Integrity Service |
HMI | Hazardous Misleading Information |
HP | High Precision |
HPA | High Power Amplifier |
HPE | Horizontal Position Error |
HPL | Horizontal Protection Level |
HPPS | High Precision Positioning Service |
HPS | High Precision Service |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language |
I/NAV | Integrity Navigation Message |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAG | International Association of Geodesy |
IAS | Institut Aero Spatial |
IAU | International Astronomical Union |
IBPL | Isotropy Based Protection Level |
IBS | Integrated Bridge Systems |
IC | Integrated Chips |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICC | Institut Cartografic de Catalunya |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
ICG | International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
ICR | Isotropic Confidence Ratio |
ICRF | International Celestial Reference Frame |
ICRS | International Celestial Reference System |
ICS | Internal Communication Subsystem |
IDF | Ionospheric Disturbance Flag |
IEP | Initial Experimental Phase |
IERS | International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service |
IF | Intermediate Frequencies |
IGEX | International GLONASS EXperiment |
IGP | Ionospheric Grid Point |
IGS | International GNSS Service |
IGSO | Inclined Geo-Synchronous Orbit |
ILRS | IRNSS Laser Ranging Station |
ILS | Instrument Landing Systems |
IM | Inter Modulation |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
INC | IRNSS Navigation Centre |
INLUS | Indian Land Uplink Station |
INMCC | Indian Master Control Center |
INRES | Indian REference Stations |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
IOC | Initial Operational Capability |
IOD | Issues of Data |
IODC | Issue of Data Clock |
IODE | Issue Of Data Ephemeris |
IODF | Issue Of Data Fast Corrections |
IODI | Issue of Data IGP Mask |
IODN | Issue of Data Navigation |
IODP | Issue Of Data PRN mask |
IODS | Issue of Data Service Message |
ION | Institute Of Navigation |
IONEX | IONosphere map EXchange format |
ION-NTM | ION National Technical Meeting |
IOR-W | Indian Ocean Region West |
IOT | In-Orbit Test |
IOV | In-Orbit Validation |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPF | Integrity Processing Facility |
IPP | Ionospheric Pierce Point |
IRCDR | IRNSS CDMA Ranging Stations |
IRDCN | IRNSS Data Communication Network |
IRIMS | IRNSS Range and Integrity Monitoring Stations |
IRN | Information Request Notice |
IRNSS | Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System |
IRNWT | IRNSS Timing Centre |
IRTTC | IRNSS TTC and Uplinking Stations |
ISI | Inter Symbol Interference |
ISM | Integrity Support Message |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organization |
ISS | International Space Station |
ITR | International Terrestrial Reference |
ITRF | International Terrestrial Reference Frame |
ITRS | International Terrestrial Reference System |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
ITU-R | International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunication Sector |
IWG | Interoperability Working Group |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
JD | Julian Day |
JLOC | Jammer Location |
JMA | Japan Meteorological Agency |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
KH | Kelvin-Helmholtz |
KMF | Key Management Facility |
L2CL | L2 Civil Long |
L2CM | L2 Civil Moderate |
LAAS | Local Area Augmentation System |
LAST | Local Apparent Sidereal Time |
LBS | Location Based Services |
LCA | Liability Critical Applications |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LEOP | Launch Early OPerations |
LEX | Michibiki experimental signal |
LFSR | Linear Feedback Shift Registers |
LHCP | Left Hand Circular Polarization |
LM | Local Mean |
LMST | Local Mean Sidereal Time |
LNA | Low Noise Amplifier |
LNAV | Lateral Navigation |
LO | Local Oscillator |
LOC | Linear Offset Carrier |
LOS | Line-Of-Sight |
LP | Localizer Performance |
LPV | Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance |
LRIT | Long Range Identification and Tracking |
LT | Long Term |
LVP | Low Visibility Procedures |
MASPS | Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards |
MBOC | The Multiplexed Binary Offset Carrier |
MCC | Mission Control Centers |
MCS | Master Control Station |
MCS | Multilevel Coded Spreading Symbols |
MEAG | Mission Evolution Advisory Group |
MEDLL | Multipath Estimating Delay Lock Loop |
MEH | Marine Electronic Highway |
MEO | Medium Earth Orbit |
MEOSAR | Medium Earth Orbit Search And Rescue |
METIS | Mediterranean Introduction of GNSS Services |
MGF | Message Generation Facility |
MHSS | Multiple Hypothesis Solution Separation |
MI | Misleading Information |
MJD | Modified Julian Day |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MLU | MRS Land User service |
MM | Monument Marker |
MMI | Man Machine Interface |
MMSSS | Multi-Mode Spread-Spectrum Sub-carrier Modulation |
MNAV | Military NAVigation Message |
MOB | Man Overboard |
MODIP | MOdified DIP latitude |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Specification |
MPR | MultiPath Ratio |
MPSK | Multiple Phase Shift Keying |
MRA | Measurement Rejection Approach |
MRS | Multi-Constellation Regional System |
MS | Monitor Stations |
MSAS | MTSAT Satellite Augmentation System |
MSC | Mobile Satellite Communications |
MSD | Minimum Set of Data |
MSE | Mean-Square Error |
MSF | Mission Support Facility |
MSI | Misleading Signal-in-Space Information |
MSK | Minimum Shift Keying |
MSTID | Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances |
MT | Military Tracking |
MT | Message Type |
MT0 | Message Type 0 |
MT1 | Message Type 1 |
MT2 | Message Type 2 |
MT3 | Message Type 3 |
MT4 | Message Type 4 |
MT5 | Message Type 5 |
MTPF | Maintenance and Training Platform |
MTSAT | Multifunctional Transport Satellite |
MUCF | Mission Uplink Control Facility |
NAD83 | North American Datum of 1983 |
NANUs | Notice Advisory to Navstar Users |
NAPEOS | Navigation Package for Earth Observation Satellites |
NAS | National Airspace System |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAV | Navigation Message |
NAVCEN | NAVigation CENter |
NCA | Non-Critical applications |
NCO | Numerical Control Oscillators |
NDB | Non-Directional Beacon |
NDGPS | Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System |
NELP | Non-coherent Early minus Late Power |
NEU | North-East-Up |
NGA | National Geospatial-Intelligency Agency |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NLES | Navigation Land Earth Stations |
NLOS | Non Line Of Sight |
NMCS | New Master Control Station |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association |
NOCC | National Operations Control Center |
NOTAM | NOTice to AirMen |
NPA | Non-Precision Approach |
NPV | Non Precision Approach with vertical guidance |
NRTK | Network RTK |
NRZ | Non-Return to Zero |
NSE | Navigation System Error |
NSP | Navigation System Panel |
NSU | Navigation Signal generator Unit |
NSV | Near Space Vehicle |
NTRIP | Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol |
OA | Operational Advisories |
OBD | On-Board diagnostics |
OBU | On Board Unit |
OCC | Operational Control Centers |
OCS | Operational Control System |
OCX | Operational Control Segment |
OD&TS | Orbit Determination and Time Synchronisation |
ODTS | Orbit Determination and Time Synchronisation |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OLAF | from French: Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude |
ONCE | Spanish organisation for the blind |
OPF | Operations Preparation Facility |
OQPSK | Offset QPSK |
ORMS | Orbiter and Radio Metric Systems |
OS | Open Service |
OS | Operative System |
OSD | Open Signal Data |
OSP | Open Signal Pilot |
OSPF | Orbit determination and Synchronization Processing Facility |
OTF | On-The-Fly |
PA | Precision Approach |
PACF | Performance Assessment and Checkout Facility |
PANS | Procedures for Air Navigation Services |
PAYD | Pay-As-You-Drive |
PBN | Performance-Based Navigation |
PCV | Phase Centre Variations |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant |
Portable Document Format | |
PDM | Position Domain Monitoring |
PDOP | Position Dilution Of Precision |
PE | Protection Error |
PFD | Primary Flight Display |
PL | Protection Level |
PLANS | Position Location and Navigation Symposium |
PLL | Phase Lock Loop |
PM | Phase Modulation |
PND | Portable Navigation Devices |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
PNT | Positioning |
POD | Precise Orbit Determination |
POI | Point Of Interest |
PPP | Precise Point Positioning |
PPS | Precise Point Service |
PR | Pseudo Random |
PRN | Pseudo-Random Noise |
PRS | Public Regulated Service |
PRTODTS | Precise Real Time Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization |
PS | Precision Service |
PSD | Power Spectral Density |
PSK | Phase-Shift Keying |
PSTD | Pseudospectral Time-Domain |
PTC | Positive Train Control |
PTF | Precision Timing Facility |
PTP | Point-To-Point |
PVT | Position |
PZ-90 | Parametry Zemli 1990 (Parameters of the Earth 1990) |
QOS | Quality Of Service |
QPSK | Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying |
QPSM | Quadrature Product Sub-carrier Modulation |
QZSS | Quasi-Zenith Satellite System |
RAAN | Right Ascension of the Ascending Node |
RAIM | Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring |
RC | Rased Cosine |
RCF | Raised Cosine Filter |
RDS | Radio Data System |
RDSS | Radio Determination Satellite Service |
RECs | Regional Economic Communities |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFC | Radio Frequency Compatibility |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RFID | Radio-Frequency Identification |
RHCP | Right Hand Circular Polarization |
RICS | Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
RIMS | Ranging Integrity Monitoring Stations |
RINEX | Receiver INdependent EXchange format |
RK4 | 4th order Runge-Kutta |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
RNAV | aRea NAVigation |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
RNSS | Radionavigation Satellite System |
RRAIM | Relative RAIM |
RRC | Range Rate Corrections |
RRC | Root Raised Cosine |
RSA | Russian Space Agency |
RSIM | Reference Stations and Integrity Monitors |
RSN | Reference Stations Network |
RTCM | Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services |
RTK | Real-Time Kinematics |
RUC | Road User Charging |
RX | Receiver |
S/A | Selective Availability |
SA | Select Availability |
SACCSA | From Spanish: Soluci |
SAIF | Submeter-class Augmentation with Integrity Function |
SAM | South America Region |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SARPs | Standard and Recommended Practices |
SBAS | Satellite-Based Augmentation System |
SBCS | Sinusoidal Binary Coded Symbols |
SCA | Safety Critical Applications |
SCC | System Control Centre |
SCC | Spacecraft Control Centre |
SCCF | Spacecraft and Constellation Control Facility |
SCPF | Spacecraft and Constellation Planning Facility |
SDA | System Design Approval |
SDCM | System of Differentional Correction and Monitoring |
SDD | Service Definition Document |
SDR | Software Defined Radio |
SEP | Spherical Error Probable |
SF | Single Frequency |
SGLS | Space Ground Link Subsystem |
SI | International System of Physical Units |
SINEX | Solution (Software/technique) INdependent EXchange format |
SIS | Signal In Space |
SISA | Signal-in-Space Accuracy |
SISE | SIS Error |
SISMA | SIS Monitoring Accuracy |
SLR | Satellite Laser Ranging Station |
SMCS | Sinusoidal Multilevel Coded Symbol |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SNAS | Satellite Navigation Augmentation System |
SNIR | Signal to Noise plus Interference Ratio |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio |
SNT | SBAS Network Time |
SOC | Sinusoidal Binary Offset Carrier |
SoL | Safety-of-Life |
SOLAS | Safety of Life at Sea |
SOTDMA | Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access |
SP | Service Provider |
SP3 | Standard Product #3 |
SPAC | Satellite Positioning Research and Application Center |
SPD | Slant Path Delay |
SPEED | Support Platform for EGNOS Evolutions and Demonstrations |
SPF | Service Product Facility |
SPP | Standard Point Positioning |
SPS | Standard Positioning Service |
SQM | Signal Quality Monitoring |
SRD | System Requirement Document |
SRIF | Square-Root Information Filtering |
SRRC | Square-Root Raised Cosine |
SS | Spread Spectrum |
SSC | Spectral Separation Coefficient |
SSEG | Space Segment |
SSTL | Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. |
ST | Short Term |
STC | aircraft Supplemental Type Certificates |
STEC | Slant Total Electron Content |
STF | Signal Task Force |
SU | Soviet Union |
SUPPs | regional SUPplementary Procedures |
SV | Space Vehicle |
SVN | Space Vehicle Number |
SW | Synchronization Words |
SW | Software |
TACAN | TACtical Air Navigation |
TAI | From French: Temps Atomique International |
TBD | see TCB |
TCA | Terminal Control Area |
TCAR | Three-Carrier Ambiguity Resolution |
TCAS | Traffic Collision Avoidance System |
TCB | from French: Temps Coordonnee Barycentrique |
TCG | from French: Temps Coordonnee Geocentrique |
TDARDS | Truth Data Acquisition |
TDB | from French: Temps Dinamique Barycentrique |
TDOP | Time Dilution Of Precision |
TDS | Technology Demonstration System |
TDT | Terrestrial Dynamic Time |
TEC | Total Electron Content |
TECU | Total Electron Content Unit |
TGD | Total Group Delay |
TLM | TeLeMetry |
TLS | Target Level of Safety |
TMBOC | Time-Multiplexed BOC |
TMR | Triple Modular Redundancy |
TOW | Time Of Week |
TRF | Terrestrial Reference Frame |
TRS | Conventional Terrestrial Reference System |
TS | Time Synchronisation |
TSO | Technical Standard Order |
TT | Terrestrial Time |
TT&C | Telemetry |
TTA | Time-To-Alert |
TTC | Telemetry |
TTFF | Time To First Fix |
TUS | Test User Segment |
TV | Television |
TX | Transmitter |
U.S. | United States |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UCAR | University Corporation of Atmospheric Research |
UDRE | User Differential Range Error |
UDREI | UDRE Indicator |
UEN | Up-East-North |
UERE | User Equivalent Range Error |
UIRE | User Ionospheric Range Error |
UK | United Kingdom |
ULS | Mission Uplink Stations |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
UNB | University of New Brunswick |
UNE | Up North East |
UNECA | United Nations Economic Commission for Africa |
UNISPACE | United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space |
UPC | Technical University of Catalonia |
URA | User Range Accuracy |
URE | User Range Error |
US | United States |
USA | United States of America |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USCG | U.S. Coast Guard |
USNDS | US Nuclear Detonation (NuDet) Detection System |
USNO | United States Naval Observatory |
UT | Universal Time |
UT0 | Universal Time 0 |
UT1 | Universal Time 1 |
UT2 | Universal Time 2 |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated |
UV | Ultra Violet |
VAL | Vertical Alert Limit |
VDB | VHF Data Broadcast |
VDLL | Vector DLL |
VDOP | Vertical Dilution Of Precision |
VE | Very Early |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VL | Very Late |
VLBI | Very Long Baseline Interferometry |
VNAV | Vertical Navigation |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Range |
VPE | Vertical Position Error |
VPL | Vertical Protection Level |
VRS | Virtual Reference Station |
VTS | Vessel Traffic Service |
WAAS | Wide Area Augmentation System |
WAD | Wide Area Differential |
WADGPS | Wide Area Differential GPS |
WAGE | Wide Area GPS Enhancements |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WARTK | Wide Area Real-Time Kinematics |
WARTK-EGAL | Wide Area Real-Time Kinematics based on EGNOS and Galileo |
WG | World Geodetic |
WG | Working Group |
WGS | World Geodetic System |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 84 |
WLS | Weighted Least Square |
WMS | WAAS Master Station |
WRC | World Radio Conference |
WRS | Wide-area Reference Stations |
XPE | Vertical/ Horizontal Protection Error |
XPL | Vertical/ Horizontal Protection Level |
ZHD | Zenith Hydrostatic Delay |
ZPD | Zenith Path Delay |
ZTD | Zenith Tropospheric Delay |
ZWD | Zenith Wet Delay |