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AAIM,Airborne Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
ABAS,Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems
ACAC,Arab Civil Aviation Commission
ACF,Auto-Correlation Function
ADAS,Advanced Driving Assistance Systems
ADC,Analog to Digital Converter
ADS-B,Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
AEP,Architecture Evolution Plan
AF,U.S. Air Force
AF,U.S. Air Force
AFCAC,African Civil Aviation Commission
AFI,Africa-Indian Ocean
AGC,Automatic Gain Control
AHRS,Attitude and Heading Reference Systems
AIS,Automatic Identification System
AL,Alert Limit
AltBOC,Alternative BOC
AM,Amplitude Modulation
AMCS,Alternate Master Control Station
ANSP,Air Navigation Service Provider
ANTEX,ANtenna EXchange format
ANTEX,ANtenna EXchange format
AOA,Airport Operators Association
AOAD/M,T Allen Osborne Associates Dorne Margolin Model T  
AOA,Angle Of Arrival
AOAD/M,T Allen Osborne Associates Dorne Margolin Model T
AOC,Advanced Operational Capability
AOCS,Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem
AOR,Atlantic Ocean Region
AP,Access Point
AP,Application Protocol
APC,Antenna Phase Centre
APC,Antenna Phase Centre
APEC,Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
API,Application Programming Interface
APIRG,AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group
APPS,Automatic Precise Positioning Service
APV,Approach oPerations with Vertical guidance
APVI,Approach oPerations with Vertical guidance I
APVII,Approach oPerations with Vertical guidance II
AR,Axial Ratio
ARNS,Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service  
ARNS,Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service  
ARP,Antenna Reference Point
ARP,Antenna Reference Point
ARPA,Automatic Radar Plotting Aids
BDT,BeiDou Time
ASBC,Advanced Space Business Corporation
BIPM,Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
ASICs,Applications Secific Integrated Circuit
BIE,Bureau International de l'Heure
ASN.1,Abstract Syntax Notation 1
BLUE,Best Linear Unbiased Minimum-Variance Estimator
ASQF,Application Specific Qualification Facility
ASZ,Autocorrelation Side-lobe Zero
BOC,Binary O_set Carrier
ATC,Air Traffic Control
BPSK,Binary Shift Phase Keying
ATM,Automated Teller Machine
BRS,Baricentric Reference System
ATM,Air Traffic Management
ATV,Automated Transfer Vehicle
CDDIS,Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
AUC,African Union Commission
CDMA,Code Division Multiple Access
AWGN,Additive White Gaussian Noise
CEP,Conventional Ephemeris Pole
AWOP,All Weather Operations Panel
CGCS2000,China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000
CIO,Conventional International Origin
CIS,Conventional Inertial System
CODE,Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe
C/NAV,Commercial Navigation Message
CORS,Continuously Operating Reference Stations
CRC,Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRF,Celestial Reference Frame
CRS,Conventional Celestial Reference System
CS,Commercial Service
CTP,Conventional Terrestrial Pole
CTS,Conventional Terrestrial System
DCB,Di_erential Code Biases
DoD,US Department of Defense
DOP,Dilution Of Precision
ECEF,"""Earth-Centred "" Earth-Fixed "
ECI,Earth Centred Inertial
EGNOS,European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
EMR,Energy Mines and Resources
ENU,East North Up
EOP,Earth Orientation Parameters
ERP,Earth Rotation Parameters
ESA,European Space Agency
ET,Ephemeris Time
FDMA,Frequency Division Multiple Access
FEC,Forward Error Correction
FOC,Full Operational Capability
F/NAV,Freely accessible Navigation Message
F-PPP,Fast Precise Point Positioning
GA,Ground Antennas
gAGE,Research group of Astronomy and Geomatics
GAST,Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time
GCC,Ground Control Centres
GCS,Ground Control Segment
GDOP,Geometric Dilution Of Precision
GGSP,Galileo Geodetic Service Provider
GIOVE,Galileo In-Orbit Validation
GIM,Global Ionospheric Maps
GLONASS,GLObal NAvigation Satellite System
GMT,Greenwich Mean Time
GMS,Ground Mission Segment
GMST,Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
G/NAV,Governmental Navigation Message
GNSS,Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS,Global Positioning System
GRAPHIC,Group and Phase Ionospheric Calibration
GRS,Geodetic Reference System
GSS,Galileo Sensor Stations
GST,Galileo System Time
GTRF,Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame
HDOP,Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
HPPS,High Precision Positioning Service
HTML,Hyper Text Markup Language
IAU,International Astronomical Union
ICD,Interface Control Document
ICRF,International Celestial Reference Frame
ICRS,International Celestial Reference System
IDF,Ionospheric Disturbance Flag
IERS,International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
IGEX,International GLONASS EXperiment
IGS,International GNSS Service
IGSO,Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit
I/NAV,Integrity Navigation Message
IONEX,IONosphere map EXchange format
IOV,In-Orbit Validation
IPP,Ionospheric Pierce Point
ITRF,International Terrestrial Reference Frame
ITRS,International Terrestrial Reference System
ITU,International Telecommunications Union
ITU-R,International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunication Sector
JD,Julian Day
JPL,Jet Propulsion Laboratory
LAST,Local Apparent Sidereal Time
LC,Carrier Phase ionosphere-free combination
LEO,Low Earth Orbiter
LMST,Local Mean Sidereal Time
L2CL,L2 Civil Long
L2CM,L2 Civil Moderate
MBOC,The Multiplexed Binary O_set Carrier
MC,Satellite Mass Centre
MCS,Master Control Station
MEO,Medium Earth Orbit
MJD,Modi_ed Julian Day
MM,Monument Marker
MODIP,MOdi_ed DIP latitude
MS,Monitor Stations
MSE,Mean-Square Error
MW,Melbourne Wubbena
NASA,National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAV,Navigation Message
NGA,National Geospatial-Intelligency Agency
NIST,National Institute of Standards and Technology
OS,Operative System
PC,Code ionosphere-free combination
PCV,Phase Centre Variations
PDOP,Precision Dilution Of Precision
PPP,Precise Point Positioning
PPS,Precise Point Service
PRN,Pseudo-Random Noise  
PRS,Public Regulated Service
PZ-90,Parametry Zemli 1990 (Parameters of the Earth 1990)
QZSS,Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
RINEX,Receiver INdependent EXchange format
RK4,4th order Runge-Kutta
RMS,Root Mean Square
RNSS,Radionavigation Satellite System
RTK,Real-Time Kinematics
S/A,Selective Availability
SAR,Search and Rescue
SBAS,Satellite-Based Augmentation System
SCC,System Control Centre
SEP,Spherical Error Probable
SI,International System of Physical Units
SINEX,Solution (Software/technique) INdependent EXchange format
SIS,Signal In Space
SP3,Standard Product #3
SPP,Standard Point Positioning
SSTL,Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.
STEC,Slant Total Electron Content
SU,Soviet Union
SVN,Space Vehicle Number
TAI,Temps Atomique International
TCB,"Barycentric Coordinate ""Time"" from the French Temps Coordonn_e Barycentrique"
TCG,"Geocentric Coordinate ""Time"" from the French Temps Coordonn_e G_eocentrique"
TDB,"Barycentric Dynamical ""Time"" from the French Temps Dinamique Barycentrique"
TDOP,Time Dilution Of Precision
TDT,Terrestrial Dynamic Time
TEC,Total Electron Content
TECU,Total Electron Content Unit
TGD,Total Group Delay
TRF,Terrestrial Reference Frame
TRS,Conventional Terrestrial Reference System
TT,Terrestrial Time
ULS,Mission Uplink Stations
UPC,Technical University of Catalonia
U.S.,United States
USNO,United States Naval Observatory
UT,Universal Time
UTC,Universal Time Coordinated
UT0,Universal Time 0
UT1,Universal Time 1
UT2,Universal Time 2
VDOP,Vertical Dilution Of Precision
VLBI,Very Long Baseline Interferometry
WAAS,Wide Area Augmentation System
WARTK,Wide Area Real-Time Kinematics
WGS,World Geodetic System
WGS84,World Geodetic System 84
WLS,Weighted Least Square
ZTD,Zenith Tropospheric Delay

Revision as of 18:12, 12 March 2012

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